Proven Ways to Clear Yourself from Negative EmotionsNegative emotions reside in all of us and yet most people choose to ignore them. The usual response is “Me? Who me?” A level of denial that is driven by fear and makes sense for those who prefer to dig their head in the sand and let the world go by. To feel angry or fearful is how human beings express themselves, no different to feeling happy or excited. Before I touch on how you clear yourself from negative emotions, I would like to set the stage. Why is this important? Why don’t we carry these negative emotions with us through our lives? It is important because the mind and body are connected. Every thought becomes a feeling. When this feeling is negative, it impacts the body in a negative way, like a stuck or clogged drain that eventually blocks drainage. Feelings of anger have been cited in Goleman's landmark book "emotional Intelligence" to cause heart attacks. So, why hang on to negative emotions when they affect your mental health so adversely? Goleman goes on to link negative emotions to specific diseases. This makes sense as the mind and body are integrated. What you think in your mind eventually manifests in your body. At an Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) course that I conduct, it is typical to run a segment on how to clear yourself from negative emotions. I feel it is the most fundamental thing to do. Once the past is cleared, you’ve cleaned the slate and are set to think positive. It is important to do remedial work before generating the future. There is not much point in being creative to design a future that you want, when the past has not been attended to. This is where negative emotions reside and are stuck like glue, which doesn’t allow the person to move forward. At an NLP course, I explain that the fundamental primary negative emotions are anger, sadness, fear and guilt. These reside in a person’s unconscious mind and only disappear when the emotional pattern is interrupted. Once you do this process of clearing yourself from negative emotions, you will feel better to make decisions and navigate challenges. A person who has strong mental health is one who is aware of their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. They think positive as this becomes their default position, contrary to when negativity controlled them. When they are being creative, they are aware that they are bypassing conscious thought and accessing their unconscious mind where ideas and connections flow. It is only then that mental health stabilises and a person is able to operate into resilience and confidence. Over the 18 years that I have trained at an NLP course, there is a resounding demand from participants to access and build confidence. Everyone wants confidence but that comes only to those who have assessed their past and cleared themselves from negative emotions. One of the big changes that I noticed with participants at my NLP course is that many reported back that they were being creative. Their self-calibration of creativity was always on the lower end of the scale and yet now they were bursting with ideas. Enthralled by this new wave of things, they shone confidence that was obvious to their employers and before you know it, one thing led to another and they were going places. This is the leverage question that people need to contemplate. What is the one thing you could do that would have the greatest impact on your results? That one thing changes your posture and outlook to life which then results in unexpected wins. Mental health in the world has reached such a high negative level that people are lost. Their connection to self and others is out of whack and internally they are knotted up. To unwind this spring and have them live life to the fullest requires self-management tools. Seeing a therapist is short term. Learning tools to think positive and be creative, lends credence to their entire outlook and life! Isn’t that what life is meant to be? And all you need to do is clear yourself from negative emotions. All of this is taught at an NLP course. No need to share your personal stories but at the same time, the opportunity to learn tools that improve mental health. The journey to healing has so many advantages ahead. With more joy in your life and meaningful relationships, it is much easier to create your future now. Successful people are driven by purpose. This is something available to you. Grab the opportunity to get on that ride in life for there are only wonderful things that await you.
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Sylvia is a qualified Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Trainer. She started her business in Sydney and is now based in Singapore. Archives
February 2025
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